October 9, 2009

The past few days…

Thought I would post a few pics to show you what has been happing in my world the past few days. I have been busy!

Pictures of after the old carpet was taken out.

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Here is the padding being installed on the stairs.


Carpet being installed in the game room.


and here is a picture of my living room with the boxes that still need unpacked.


I have managed to get all the furniture in the house arranged just the way I want it. I have unpacked and put away 27 boxes. There are still 19 boxes to go plus the stuff in the garage. Then there is always the stuff that needs hung on the walls. We have a few things that need fixed & we need to paint so there will be a trip to Lowes & Home Depot…and all this has to be done before next Thursday . My MIL & SIL will be visiting . No pressure! LOL (The painting is going to have to wait a while).

When all is finished I will take more pics of the house and post them.


Terry said...

Looking good! Have fun with the rest of the unpacking! :0)

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