of following my new schedule for my house. I worked hard to get every thing in order and to create a new schedule that would work with this house. I was too lazy to update when we moved (almost 1 year ago). The house is clean and in order and everything is staying that way. Even the kids are doing better!
I have mentioned before that I try to follow FlyLady’s system. I used to have a BIG bulky binder that I kept everything in (I still have it, but I don’t use it anymore). I decided when I redid the schedule that I would create my NEW Household Binder in Microsoft OneNote (anyone have this? If not you should get it). OneNote is like an electronic binder! I now have my Routines and everything else neatly organized on my computer! I just add notes to the calendar and print. I put a copy on my fridge for everyone to see.
This is a screen shot of my Daily Planner Page that I print for the fridge. This is the main page. On it I have everything. The calendar and all the appointments, daily and weekly routines, and birthdays and anniversaries for the month. I also have the Zone schedule.
Feels good to be organized again!
Did you get the idea from me saying I was making a schedule? lol
ummm, wow. I'm way to lazy to even make a schedule. The kids are on a schedule as far as eating and sleeping, but beyond that, it's chaos!
I think you WIN AGAIN - for being the most organized, Rene. I have One Note but haven't even touched it.
I really need to start doing this. Nice work Rene. :)
I'm really impressed. I only WISH I could be so organized. :)
Looks like quite a schedule. That's real organization, my dear.
Happy Quilting!
ditto on the being impressed! i need to borrow this schedule. off to look for this one note program now!
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