November 5, 2009

Been Busy…New Machine…New Project.

I haven’t posted much in the past few weeks. I have been busy trying to get the house in order (almost finished), got a new sewing machine (trying to get used to it), and started a new project. Thought I would share a few pictures to show you how its coming along…I will post pics of the new house in another post when I have it all finished :)

Here is my new machine…I have to say that I just LOVE her! It took us a week or so to get acquainted, but now we are BFFs!


This is my newest project. The fabric line is Spring Magic. I used the Scruffy Quilt tutorial over @ the Moda Bake Shop (one of my favorite places).





I still need to learn how to take photos of my quilts…

I have the top finished and have the backing fabric ordered (have you ever noticed how slow the mail seems when you are waiting for a package?). I also need to make the scrappy binding with the left over jelly roll. So far I am loving this quilt. It is going to be the quilt for my guest room. We are going for the shabby chic look in there. Can’t wait to finish it!


Cindy said...

Came across your blog while reading Quilters Blogs and stopped by to comment.

I have the new 830 as well, got mine the end of June and have been in love with her since Day One. She performs beautifully and I've done lots of projects with her to give her a full workout. She just completed a Sherpa Suede coat for our granddaughter - flawlessly.

Congrats on your new baby. AND - great quilt project!!

Sewing hugs and blessings...always.

CJ said...

WOWSERS on your new machine!!! That is awesome. The only way I would be able to get that baby is if someone left me a LOT of money. :D
Your quilt is BEAUTIFUL!! I love it in that fabric line - wow!

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